December 20, 2009

7 weeks 4 days

Good morning Lil' Blue!
I hope that you are staying healthy even though I'm a tad bit sick. This weather you are luckily avoiding is quite a mess! It gave your big brother a cold and now me! But I'm confident we'll be 100% better soon.

I took a picture of us today. I thought it would be fun to document how we grow each week. I might regret this later when your mommy looks like she ate a watermelon whole...but for now I think it will be fun to see how we are changing.

I've compared how we look today to how I looked with your little brother or sister I lost earlier this year and I think I look about the same. I would compare how we look to when I was pregnant with your brother Seth, but your daddy hadn't bought me my digital camera yet. So I don't have any photos from that early.

All I know is that you are making wearing my jeans quite difficult, luv! LOL! Me thinks that I will be wearing my "fat" jeans before too much longer. I've already had to retire two pairs of my regular jeans because they were putting too much pressure on you.

You know, I think the Daily Verse that is on my blog today is just perfect to add to my memory verses. It's from 1 John 3:21-22 and says:

"Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight."

Isn't that just the nicest verse? I especially like the second half because you are living proof of this. We prayed and prayed and prayed and fasted and prayed for you. We obeyed God and kept His commandments and then God in His infinite greatness and kindness decided that He would grant us what we have asked so earnestly for--You! You are our little blessing, Blue. I'm thinking that maybe we will try to name you something that reflects this...but there is time to work all of that out.

Well, your mommy needs to go do some housework. It's not exactly her most favorite thing to do, but it is necessary to keep your daddy from going crazy. Not that your mommy doesn't enjoy making daddy crazy sometimes...but I need to do all the housework I can right now, because when you get bigger, I will too! And that will make it much more difficult.

I'm thinking that you and I both need some lunch--how does Chicken and Potatoes sound? I think it sounds delightful! And then maybe some muffins for dessert? Mmm, glad you agree! LOL!

Well, my darling Little Blue, I will say tootles for now...

I love you now and forever,

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