March 7, 2010

18 Weeks 5 Days

Morning little Eggplant!

This is a big week for us! We finally get to learn if you are a little prince or princess!! I like to look at the poll at the right of my blog to see people's predictions. Thus far, it's about 50/50! LOL! Well, I guess that is always the odds, right? We will find out on Wednesday afternoon, so it's very exciting and we can't wait to start figuring out details like...oh...your name! LOL!

Your brother Seth will be going with us and I'm curious to see how he will react to actually seeing you on the screen! And then what he would do if he found out you are going to be his little sister! He keeps telling EVERYONE that mommy is having a HE baby. I had a ton of people at church ask me if I was having a boy! LOL! Turned out they had all talked to Seth! (giggle)

We are having so much fun with your Mum-Mum here this week! She is giving you a lot of pats and loves, little one! And just wait until your Papa gets here! He's planning on patting AND talking to you to make sure you know his voice! Oh, the love you are being born into! What a family you are so blessed to be a part of!

Well, here is our picture for this week:

You are definitely growing! And boy, you sure do move around a lot! Not much kicking, just a lot of wiggling! Up and down, side to side. You are just trying to get comfortable I'm sure! But it is very funny to watch!

Well, we are almost 1/2 way there! 19 weeks this week and then the halfway mark next week! It will be time for your arrival before we know it and it will be so exciting to get to hold you in my arms!

I love you forever and always!


  1. Awww.. Lovin' that bump! Too cute! Can't wait to hear what you are having! :) *hugs*

  2. Lisa,
    You are truly a wonderful mother and to have Seth go with you to see if he is going to have a sister or brother will be wonderful time.

  3. You look great Lisa! I'm so jealous! I havent' been able to find out the gender of Baby #3 yet! I can't wait to hear what you are having!


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