April 18, 2010

24 weeks 5 days

Dear Justin,

Yes my baby boy, you officially have a name now! We have decided that Justin Walter will fit you perfectly. I love that it means "Righteous Ruler" as that just sounds very manly and bold! Your papa is just tickled to death that you will have his name as your middle name, so don't be suprised if he calls you "Little Wally" now and then. (giggle)

We are 6 months along now, love! Only 3 more months to go until we get to make your acquaintance! It's getting to be quite exciting to think that we are finally getting that close to your arrival!

In two weeks your brother and I will be heading back to WA to visit your mommy's family for 1 1/2 weeks. That is going to very fun to see everyone and I know your mum-mum and papa are dying to feel you give them some swift kicks! LOL! I don't know how mommy is going to do on the flight as lately sitting down for any extended period of time really makes mommy's back hurt...but I'm going to the chiropractor this week to hopefully get back into alignment.

Your little brother was funny this weekend. He just doesn't get the idea that you won't be able to play with him right off the bat. I still think he's imagining that you will be arriving ready to play with him! He was dumbfounded that you wouldn't even be able to walk! He had to verify that you would indeed have feet...(giggle) He's so funny and he's going to be the best big brother to you!

Here is our pic for the week:

We are coming along quite nicely!

I pray that you keep on growing strong and healthy and safe inside my tummy!

Forever and always,

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