July 21, 2010

38 weeks 5 days

It's another day closer to your arrival. You've been making your eminent arrival known through new aches and pains as my body adjusts to get ready for labor. That's okay by us...but today would be awfully convenient since your daddy is still home from work...

I know there is still about a week left until you are REALLY due, but coming early is perfectly fine, my loved one. We are SOOOO ready for you!

We decided that it might be wise to figure out a girl name for you...just in case you decide to surprise everyone by really being a little PRINCESS! So if you are a princess, you will be named Jaclyn Louise....and mommy through in some pink stuff JUST IN CASE... :)

Whether you are a Justin or a little Jaclyn we are just ready to welcome you with open arms!

Loving you now and forever,

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, this whole blog you have written is precious to read, and beautifully written. It will be a wonderful gift for Justin to have when he is old enough to read himself. :)


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