August 5, 2010

Justin Walter is here...

I'm pleased to announce the birth of our newest addition to the McKinney family!

Justin Walter arrived in a timely fashion after a few hitches at 6:54pm on August 5, 2010. The date that my OB told me was my due date, by the way! LOL! He was nearly the same measurements as Seth--but just a pound bigger! He was 8lbs 13 oz and 21 1/4" long. His head was the same as his brothers measuring 14cm. His little chest measured 12. He has the most AMAZING hair! It's about 3" long and consists of three different colors: black, brown and blond! It will be interesting to see what it ends up being. He's like a little basset hound with lots of wrinkles and skin to be filled and we think he's going to be quite the little chunky monkey.

His face is perfect and round and sweet and seems to already take after the McKinney side more than the Browning side. He is quieter than a mouse and rarely makes a peep. He lets anyone hold him as long as he can just sleep and slept through his first messy diaper change! I know it probably won't stay like this, but while it does we are LOVING IT!

Big brother Seth is itching to see him and will be arriving at the hospital tomorrow with my mom and mother-in-law for the big introduction.

As for me, I'm doing great! I feel amazing and being able to go natural this time around was WONDERFUL and even though I went through a VERY ROUGH patch in delivery it still didn't hardly take long at all once I got pushing to get him out and into this world. I only tore a tiny bit and had a mere 3 stitches...compared to my 30+ with Seth THIS IS AMAZING!

Well, it's late and my new family of 4 (minus Seth at home) is sleepy...time to nurse my little monkey and get some sleep.

Sigh. God is good and wonderful among all things. He answered all my prayers. I have my precious bundle and he is very sweet indeed.

To all of you out there who have been thinking and praying for us...I can only quote William Shakespeare:

"I can no other answer make, but thanks and thanks."




  1. what a joy to read your update here..and to see such wonderful photos!
    enjoy every moment these first few days with your new...bigger family!
    i can only imagine how excited seth must be about meeting his little brother!

  2. I am so happy and your pictures brought tears to my eyes... GOD is indeed good... GOD bless your family!!! I am overjoyed for you all....

  3. Congratulations John, Lisa and Seth on Justin's safe arrival today! I'm so happy to see this post and your photos. Blessings! ~ Michelle VP

  4. Congrats to you guys! That is fantastic! He looks adorable...enjoy those quiet moments!

  5. Congrats Lisa! He is so beautiful!

  6. Lisa, I am so happy for you all and he is gorgeous!! Love all those little baby sweet!!! smiles...

  7. I am so happy for you and your family,God is amazing,and Justin is a amazing gift from God ,Justin is so cute and cant wait to hear about Seths reaction when he meets his baby brother!

  8. I'm so happy for you, Lisa! He's beautiful!


  9. He is the epitome of precious!! SOOO happy for you and your family! A chunky monkey indeed :0)

  10. So thrilled to hear of your wonderful news! Thank you, God, for Your love and answering our prayers. Love, Laura, Mike, and Kelsey Phelps

  11. Congrats Lisa! He's SO cute!! Aw! Hugs, Sem x

  12. Congratulations on Justin's safe arrival! Blessings to all of you.

  13. oh wow!!! Such a beautiful baby!!! Congratulations of your wonderful bundle of joy! So happy all of your prayers were answered! God is amazing! And to have him natural, that is awesome!!! Many blessings!!


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