August 10, 2011

Plants, Trees, Land and Seas

Today we worked through Day 3 of the Creation unit for the My Father's World curriculum. At first when I saw the creation unit was a 10 day unit I wasn't very hot on the idea...but we just finished Day #3 and I'm so glad we went ahead and did it! Seth loves the projects and I am enjoying finding little activities that fit in with our day. Because today was all about Day 3 (the creation of plants, trees, land and seas) I decided to work in a bit of a seed study.

Before the lesson, I went thru the kitchen and collected a variety of seeds. I cook a lot, so I had quite the selection to choose from. I gave them to him in a little glass jar (YAY FOR BABY FOOD!) and then gave him a piece of paper which is separated out into sections. He then sorted the seeds and put everything that was the same into each area. I had to help him with the apple seeds and popcorn since they looked a bit alike. Once we got them separated, he counted them--which was a great practice on his numbers--given that he's still learning the concept of the 20's 30's ect...
But once we were done, he had fun gluing them all to the page...and as we glued, we discussed how we plant the various things, how fast they grow, could Papaw plant them and then we discussed the two tree seeds (apple and mustard) and about the Parable of the Mustard Seed (Matthew 13:31-32). After reading that he was impressed that a seed so tiny could make a tree big enough for birds to sit in the branches!

Here is his completed seed paper...

Here is the closeup of the paper so you can see the types of seeds we did.

That's pumpkin seeds, popcorn, apple seeds (from the apple we had at breakfast), mustard seeds and celery seeds. I wished I had more seeds, but I thought this gave a nice variety and they were free! LOL!

Have a delightful rest of the week!

1 comment:

  1. Great job! I love separating the seeds and then counting each one. Fun!


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