August 16, 2011

Scripture Help

Every week we are learning a new scripture and Little Britches did WONDERFUL last week...but this week I created something to help him out with memorization.
Our scripture to learn is Psalm 119:105
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."

Here is the little picture prompt page that is helping him remember...and boy, it sure is working! I saved it as a PDF for anyone who wants to use it--just click the picture and it will take you to my 4shared account for downloading.
(Clipart is free for public use)

I plan on trying to do this more and more with any scriptures I can. My son is very visual and these picture prompts make a HUGE difference in the speed he can learn something.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa!

    Great idea!

    Just stopping by to let you know HHinMFW will start next Thursday. Hope you can join us!

    Kathi & Kattie


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