September 4, 2011

Homeschooling Mother's Journal Week #5

In my life this week…
We are taking it easy this week because of the holiday weekend and because we have things scheduled for this week. I need to get Little Britches into the dentist to get his teeth checked out and then on Thursday I'm FINALLY GETTING MY HAIR DONE! My hubby likes me to have long hair, but in return, I told him that I want to keep it he's paying fo rme to get my hair colored and trimmed...and it's been a LONG time I've gotten it done. If you are like me, summer plays havoc on your hair! I will make sure to post a picture!

In our homeschool this week…
we are going to be learning about Ll-Leaf! I'm going to focus on Nature Study and Science since those are Little Britches favorite subjects. He's been working very hard the past month that we've started school...but this week was rough because he was suffering anxiety due to a wedding he was in today...and he's been puking every night the past week. Now that the wedding is over, he's fine...but I want to still take it a bit easier this week.

I am inspired by…
The amazing blogs that I've been looking at lately. I am in awe of your homeschooling prowess! I wish I had half the skills you do and creativity you share! Wow! Thanks so much for sharing all your ideas with us newbies!

Things I’m working on…
oh it's the same old-same old. Basically to keep from doing too much and trying to stick to a schedule too much.

I’m praying for…
a dear friend who is undergoing some serious health problems related to a surgery she underwent not long ago. The poor dear has 3 small children and she's been back and forth between the ER and home for the last month. I'm praying that she will be able to heal completely very soon!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
My Little Britches doing such a good job!

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