October 6, 2011

Mother Goose Math

I love it when I find something out of the blue that ends up being amazing--don't you? Well I have one to share. When Scholastic Teacher Express had their Dollar Days I went crazy and snagged SOOOOOOOOO many things. I've been going thru all the things I snagged and checking them out one by one in detail now. I *bought* quite a few math resources since that is always an area that tends to be less *fun* and I really wanted to make sure that Little Britches ENJOYS it. 

One of the resources I snagged was Mother Goose Math--an Ebook that uses Mother Goose nursery rhymes and turns them into math story problems and games. It's regularly $11.95, but I got it FREE during Dollar Deals week! How cool is that? I was "flipping" thru it yesterday and saw a game that went with "Little Bo Peep" so I printed it off, colored it (I LOVE TO COLOR!) and then laminated all the parts.
Today is a relaxed game/art/PE day since we just finished a unit, so I decided to try out the game today.

It's very basic. Each player has 3 "sheep" and *hides* them on the game board in a gridbox. Then you take turns calling out coordinates (A3, D4, B1, ect) and if the player *hid* a sheep there they go "baaaaaaa!" If not, they just say "try again!" and then it's the next players turn. Because this was laminated, I gave Little Britches a Dry Erase marker to put dots on the boxes after he asked them so he wouldn't double/triple/quadruple (LOL!) his guessing. MUCH easier! We played twice and each won once! I love that he's learning coordinate geometry--but he thinks it's just a fun game! He picked up on reading the grid on the very first time I explained it which was wonderful!

We are leaving Monday to head to Virginia Beach, VA to observe The Feast of Tabernacles with about 500 other brethren. I'm figuring out what school stuff to take and Little Britches wants me to take this game with us to play with my mom--so I'll definitely tuck it in!

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