November 16, 2011

MFW-K Highlights: Week #8- Dd Dinosaur

We enjoyed our Dd Dinosaur unit this is an overview of what went on in our classroom.

Memory Verse: Hosea 2:23
We used the wonderful scripture helps by 2 Teaching Mommies!

MFW-K Unit #8
We started by coming up with words that we knew started with Dd:

Then we continued with our exercises from the manual for days 1-5. There was marked improvement with the blend ladders which was wonderful!

At first I was a bit apprehensive about this unit since we don't agree with a young earth theory and don't believe that dinosaurs were created at I had to adjust a lot of things from the science section. But we still talked about how they were still created and looked at various books. We discussed how much bones can tell us. We learned about what a Paleontologist is,  what makes fossils, and added the word "extinction" to our vocabulary box.

I found some good vocabulary matchbook helps for dinosaurs on Homeschoolshare.

As part of our geography, we filled out a dinosaur world map to learn where dinosaur fossils have been found...He was in shock that dino bones had been found in Antartica!

Here are two of the books we read...

They were great because there is no references to evolution and uses the terms "long time ago"...Little Britches liked the pictures and learning about these two dinosaurs.

We learned how to draw dinosaurs...He opened one of the books and copied from it. I was EASILY able to identify which ones he'd copied!

We enjoyed reading Danny and the Dinosaur for Day 6...we also snagged Happy Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaur.

Other things we worked on this week...

I laminated a Read, Build and Write sheet and we worked on Thanksgiving words...

And we put up our Fall Sight Words...using a great idea from the For the Love of Kidnergarten blog!
We take this down every day to review the words. He's definitely getting faster and recognized some of them in our scriptures for THIS week!

We started a FIAR again with the wonderful book Cranberry Thanksgiving...I will post all our projects for that together in a separate post.

All in all it was a wonderful week!

Homeschoolshare~ Dinosaur World Map
Enchanted Learning~ Dinosaur Patterns Ordinal Numbers Worksheets
2 Teaching Mommies~ Hosea 2:23 Scripture Helps


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