March 26, 2012

A Few Rr-Rocks

I don't know what happened to all my pictures from our Rr-Rock week for My Father's World-Kindergarten...but I'll share what I have...
Next we read several chapters from this FABULOUS resource that I bought for our library. They had it at Costco and I couldn't leave without it! The pictures are full color and spectacular!

He totally enjoyed all the pictures about the earth and it's rocks...and he learned the names very quickly--especially any related to volcanoes. He has an affinity for them right now.

He enjoyed my instructions for him to go to our creek and find rocks of all shapes and sizes for us to look at...
I had him do a lot of sorting with these--big and small. Big Bigger Biggest. How many in each pile? Rough vs Smooth...and he loved handling the rocks.

Another day during this week I pulled out the Cuisinaire Rods for him to use with his workbook. I randomly take them out so he's always excited when he sees them on his desk.
And he got a special meal this week...we were learning about compound rocks so I decided to let him make "Sandstone Stackers" and then he enjoyed his "Chalk sticks"--to be washed down with "Lava Juice"--I even poured club soda in to make it bubble and fizz. Yeah, I "rocked" lunched for him that day. He totally enjoyed it!

And last but none the least, as we drove around town, we slowed down to look at our limestone hills so he could see all the layers. That was pretty interesting to him too. That and playing with my pumice stone.

We also learned and sang (MANY times) "The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock". Oh my, he just loved that song! He wanted to watch the little YouTube video of it over and it is if you want to use it too:

It was a good week...wish I had taken more pictures...

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