August 15, 2012

1st Grade/Tot School~ Week 1

I have decided that this year I will post one to two weeks of homeschool at a time. Sometimes I will post about what's going on in general and sometimes it will be geared toward either 1st grade or Tot School. Today I am sharing what we are did in both for the first two week of school...

*Week 1 (August 7-10)
Little Britches
We started off with school pictures to celebrate the beginning of 1st Grade and Tot School. You can check out those pictures next week during the {Not} Back to School Blog Hop--since it's all about student photos..

This week was all about review. I wanted to go over basic math and spellings and phonics to see how much had been retained since our last week of school back in May. Yes, I know it's a long break, but that was my husband's decision not mine and so that's what we did...

We did our review with reading out loud...
Here Little Britches is working out a new Biscuit book--he likes to read on the floor or on the bean bag and Baby Britches demands a book to "read" too. His reading consists of "boof boof!" every time he sees a picture of Biscuit the dog. (giggle)

I decided to go ahead and start Beginning Geography this week...we have done two of the lessons and we BOTH love this book very much! Now I see why everyone who has used it tends to give it rave reviews! After just the first two units our direction vocabulary has seriously increased--and he's become fascinated with my compass on my car's rearview mirror and shouts out the directions we are going whenever it changes.
 We did some worksheets for math review.
He enjoys math worksheets where you do the problems then use the answers to find the colors for coloring the picture. He did very well on this during the week with very limited errors.

We started his Daily Math Word Problem book--choosing to put the sheets inside our new Dry Erase easy and I'm so glad I bought three of these! They were just $1 a piece at Target...along with the mini dry erase pens and a mini erasers.

He enjoys these daily problems...week #1 was all about seals. I love how they use real facts to create these math problems--so it's like mini science lessons too!

Baby Britches
Baby Britches and I started working with colors and sorting. I use these fabulous big gems I bought at our Dollar Tree. They are all different sizes and had 3 colors in a bag. I found a bag of green ones stashed away and added them to the mix. We sorted them by color together. I have him repeat the colors to me...of course he doesn't talk yet, but I always get a response! LOL! Then after we have our time of sorting, I let him play with them. I found some plastic shot glasses at W@lm@rt and he likes to use those to pour, cover, fill, and scoop these gems.

After about 10 minutes of this, he decides to throw which point we call it done! LOL! I was happy to note that after 3 days he was finding the colors I asked for much quicker and was starting to sort! Woot! He and I also read some books together and Little Britches read some Biscuit books to him.

It was an easy first week, but a good way to get back into the swing of sitting still and getting up earlier!


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