August 27, 2012

A day in the homeschoolers life...

It's "Day-in-the-life Week" for the hop this time. Here is a peak at our typical day of homeschooling...

7:00-8:00 AM~ This is my morning time. I get up and get ready for the day...that includes my Bible Study, a load of clothes, and breakfast prep.

8:00-8:30 AM~ This is the Wake-Up time for the boys...I try to have them up and out of bed around 8:15 AM and we always start with boy cuddles in the big recliner. I think this is my most favoritest part of the day! Especially with Baby Britches since he always brings in his special blanket.
8:30-9:00 AM~ Breakfast for us all and Chores for Little Britches

9:00-9:15 AM~ Piano Practice for Little Britches; this is also my prep time for getting out our morning supplies and writing our daily sentence for correcting on the board.

9:15-10:15 AM~ Calendar Time/Daily Math Problems/Bible/Language Arts

10:15-10:30 AM~ Read Aloud--Little Britches reads out loud two books from his book basket

10:30-10:45 AM~ Recess/Snack Time

10:45 AM-Noon~  Depending on the day this will be time for Math, Geography or Science

Noon-1 PM~ Lunchtime and recess

1:00-1:30 PM~ Quiet time...this is when I get Baby Britches down for a nap and have time to just sit and relax for a bit. Little Britches has to play with quiet toys during this time. Usually that is Legos.

1:30-2:15~ Afternoon Session---this could be Five-in-a-Row, or more science, or more Geography or more History...I save afternoons for a larger project or for whatever extra subject we need to do. I never get any complaints now that afternoon session is reserved for these subjects. He loves them all.

2:15-3:00 PM~ My time for finishing up my own chores before my piano lessons usually start. I also use this time to prepare for the next day or upcoming week's lessons.

3:00-5:00 PM~ Most days this time period is full of the piano lessons that I teach. Little Britches typically calls his grandpa and they spend the afternoon together. Sometimes Baby Britches goes with them but if not, then he and I will play together or he'll play vehicles quietly during piano lessons.

So that is the bulk of my day...the last part of the day is for dinner prep, more chores, more prep for the week and work on my projects for the magazine.

This is a typical Monday-Wednesday day...I say that because my husband is home on Thursday and Friday so that tweaks up my schedule. For right now this works for us...naturally we don't live by the stroke of the hands on the clock. If we get off track then fine. If we need to spend more time on something then we do. And some days we throw our hands in the air and call it quits! LOL!


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