August 11, 2012

Homeschool Mother's Journal~ 8/12

  • In my life this week…
  • It's been all about my friends this week. One of my most near and dear friends of my heart has just been slammed with trials over the last two weeks. It seems like every other day she is sending me a note about something else. So yesterday she had a breakdown and I just hit my knees and took her to God. I had tears pouring down my face as I poured my heart it's been a very draining week.

  • In our homeschool this week…
  • We started school on Tuesday with a week for review and trying to get back into the swing of things. We also started on our Beginning Geography book and so far he and I both love it! We put our cardinal direction words up on the walls and had fun calling out things to do using them.

  • Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
  • Totally get the mini dry erase pens and dry erase notebook paper board at Target if you can. We snagged ours for $1 each. I bought two sets of the pens--some for each boy and they love doing their morning work on them. They also had mini erasers for them too that are magnetic. Even Baby Britches loves getting his eraser off the metal cabinet each morning. All our morning copy work goes on this has the lines like paper, so I can still make sure his letters look right...but don't waste any paper.

  • Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
  • Well, we really aren't going anywhere this week. Once school starts we don't get out much! Though they did move Library Story hour to 10am on Friday's we might try to hit that this week.

  • My favorite thing this week was…
  • Seeing Little Britches nail the Reading Practice test I gave him with very little imput for me. He got everything correct including the reading comprehension, so I really don't think we will have any issues keeping up with accelerated pace of 1st grade stuff.

  • Questions/thoughts I have…
  • I'm hoping that I can find a planner/schedule that I can stick to this year and keep myself at least a week ahead in all the subjects. Can I do it??

  • Things I’m working on…
  • figuring out everything to get ready to can pickles...I am having issues finding some dill weed. I forgot to plant it this year. But I want to use my mom's pickle recipe and need some for each jar...will have to go with Dill Seed if I can't find any.

  • I’m reading…
  • Still working in Proverbs 31 for my Bible Study...but for free reading I just finished the Tucker Mills Trilogy by Lori Wick. Inspirational Historical Fiction. Very well written and very interesting.Here is the last book in the series that I just finished:
  • I’m cooking…
  • Friday night for dinner I made Country Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Biscuits, Gravy, Corn on the Cob and Mile High Fudge Brownie Pie! Delish! And today we ate the leftovers!

  • I’m grateful for…
  • My amazing support group of friends. We know we can always go to each other for support and that means so much to me!

  • I’m praying for…
  • My friend for peace and joy in her heart...for my brother to heal--he had a Stage 3 AC Joint Separation. Yeah that meant nothing to me either...but he fell in the shower and landed on his shoulder. It separated the ligaments that hold his clavicle bone to the shoulder joint so his clavicle bone was sticking up. He has been wearing a brace for it for several weeks but his pain had gotten so intense that he went back to his doctor. They did an MRI and discovered that his ligaments were actually healing already--and the pain was from the bone being pulled back down into place. So while it's great nes, it also means the pain is going to stick around and probably get worse. So I am praying that God will touch his shoulder and speed up the healing and decrease the pain.

  • A photo to share…
  • I have to share one of the photos from our trip last Sunday to Natural Bridge State Park...

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