September 14, 2012

Homeschooling Mother's Journal ~ 9/14

  • In my life this week…
  • We are busying with homeschooling...but it's canning season too! I have tomatoes coming out my ears! Every day there is a gallon of tomatoes to deal with! It's ALMOST overwhelming...but thankfully I've learned the value of using my crockpot and letting it just do all the work for me! 
  • In our homeschool this week…
  • It's all about long vowels. I love the way that My Father's World-First Grade teaches them. It is very helpful and Little Britches reading skills have increased significantly since he learned the tricks. 
  • Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
  • When it's beautiful outside, GO ENJOY IT! Even if you sacrifice a day of learning...remember that even the TEACHER needs a day to soak up for vitamin D! 
  • Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
  • We are gearing up for our Fall Holy Day Festival season and our big trip down to Jekyll Island, GA to worship and keep the Feast of Tabernacles! I'm going through the boys clothes to figure out if I need to fill in any gaps. They wear play clothes all the time here, so I don't always know what GOOD clothes they have! 
  • Things I’m working on…
  • My patience. I have to really watch my words when I'm trying to help Little Britches with a problem area. Or when I'm teaching him piano. I don't want to turn him off, so I have to taste every word before it leaves my mouth. And THAT is difficult for me! 
  • I’m reading…
  • Lots of stuff...but I just finished a few good books that I'll share...
    This book is entertaining and fun. It's a historical inspiration fiction--my favorite genre.
    This book is contemporary Christian and the first in a series. It is a western and very good. A suspenseful plot (though I figured out the "bad" guy early) and very vivid words. I look forward to reading the rest of the series. 
  • I’m cooking…
  • Well, I'm actually CANNING, but I guess since i cook it first, then I'm COOKING spaghetti sauce and tomato sauce right now! 
  • I’m grateful for…
  • A loving husband who doesn't get mad when I catch the bumper of his car on a rebar that was sticking out of those cement curb stops in a parking spot...and thus rip the drivers side of the front bumper off when I back up. I'm grateful that he says "It's just a car. It's not your fault. I love you." Even when this is the second vehicle of ours I've damaged in the last week. And even when he adds "Just don't even think about driving my truck." 
  • I’m praying for…
  • Friends dealing with a lot of issues. Safe travel for all my friends and family going to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles over the next two weeks. Especially to our family members heading to Hawaii, Guatemala and Ghana. 
  • A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
  • Love this picture of me and Little Britches...

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