November 18, 2012

A bit of yummy...

I just had to share a picture of these fabulous cupcakes I made on Friday. It was a new recipe that I found on Pinterest (my new favorite cookbook! LOL)...Well actually I was looking up a different recipe and then found this one off the site I was taken to.

I always love it when people make cutesie desserts and I was determined it was my turn! I found some cupcake wrappers with matching toppers for $1.00 at Wal*Mart and decided I needed to use them. I found a can of pumpkin in my pantry and decided to try to find a pumpkin cupcake--I succeeded with finding this recipe and after tasting, it is a definite keeper!

Here are my Cinnamon Streusel Pumpkin Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting...
 Aren't they yummy looking?
Here is me with my cupcakes. My husband's idea not mine. LOL! I had been preparing for Sabbath all day and doing a bunch of baking, so I look rather worse the for the wear! LOL! 

As for their taste...mmmm...definitely a hit and a keeper! Delicious!

Here is the link to the original recipe--the only difference is that I opted out of the white chocolate in the frosting--why mess with a perfectly good cream cheese frosting?! LOL!


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