February 3, 2013

Homeschool Mothers Journal~ 2/3

In my life this week…
I am determined to get in Bible Study EVERY morning before the boys get up...that means getting to bed before midnight so I can get up at 7am. Sigh. It will be a challenge, but I'm up for it!
In our homeschool this week…
we are studying ending blends, the Israelites wanderings in the wilderness, geography review, science with water and more!
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
we are working on getting our April trip lined up to go to South Carolina. We have to see how it works out as my aunt will have chemo earlier in the month and our trip will be determined by how she feels.
My favorite thing this week was…
our fabulous day of science on this past Friday. We rocked it! LOL!
My kiddos favorite thing this week was…
family movie night on Saturday. We let them enjoy Stuart Little 2 and then Open Season 2--the first was okay. The second...well, my husband and I declared that we lost some brain cells. LOL!
Things I’m working on…
I'm trying to catch up on crafting some cards for the magazine as well as for a friend. I've got some new recipes to try this week...I love trying new recipes!
I’m cooking…
See the question above!
I’m grateful for…
good health. Warmth. Pantry fully stocked. Love of my family. Excellent friends.
I’m praying for…
so many people for so many reasons...
A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…

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