May 2, 2013

Mixing it up in school...

Lately, we've been able to step away from "normal" schoolwork and enjoy some other sunshine!
 We went outside and did our garden journal. Documenting what is the same and what is the difference between the tomato seeds and pepper seeds we planted.
We like to enjoy morning sun coming in through the triple windows in our dining room. Perfect for our reading aloud and morning work! He loves all the books by Syd Hoff...especially the Danny and the Dinosaur ones. 

Baby Britches is here too...coloring and finding all the "Boo" and "yehwo" crayons he can in the canister.

 A new favorite series of books--Gerald and Piggie...oh how he laughs at these books! He's sharing one of his favorite parts with me.

 After coloring, Baby Britches moves on to stickers. He LOVES stickers and they are really good for his finger dexterity.

 He's very proud he can manipulate the stickers and get them off himself now.
We also worked on weights and measures...
 He was so happy to finally get to use the scale...

 Baby Britches was rather fascinated with it too...we had to keep checking because he liked to put things on it when we weren't looking.

And learning about measuring cups as we measured beans and was also a great fractions review. He is eager to help me cook I let him measure out things now and he's doing really good remembering.

He enjoys it when things are different now and then so I try to change it up at least once a you do anything to mix it up every now and then?


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