June 9, 2013

Homeschool Mother's Journal for June 9th

In my life this week…I am getting ready for our trip back to visit my family---so I have to everything ready to go by Friday! Gotta get the house ready, get our clothes ready, get food ready for my hubby while I'm gone...all that good stuff!
In our homeschool this week…finishing everything up so we can be DONE for the summer and don't have to do any of it when I come back from visiting my parents.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…as I said above we are flying out on Father's Day to go back to WA to visit my family! I haven't flown out there for 2 years so I'm looking forward to it. It will be my boys and I--Little Britches is a pro at flying...Baby Britches has only flown when he was a baby, so he won't remember. But it's exciting to fly!
My favorite thing this week was…harvesting our lettuce, transplanting some "volunteers" and getting our first strawberries!
My kiddos favorite thing this week was…just having fun on the farm with daddy!
I’m cooking…well this week I made my first English Muffin Toasting bread. It was fabulous! I'm looking forward to making Quinoa dishes this week.
I’m grateful for…My family. My farm. Good health. A great mighty God!
I’m praying for…focus. I need to have lots of focus this week to get everything done on my list.

Picking strawberries with Mamaw...


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