June 30, 2013

Homeschool Mother's Journal~ June 30th

It's a new week and time for another weekly check in with...

  • In my life this week…we just got home from our vacation to visit my parents and extended family back in Washington state. It was a very great time for all, but my week has been so screwed up! We flew red-eye which meant overnight...and flying towards the east meant I instantly lost 3 hrs to my night. Then I didn't sleep on the plane---which means I spent the first 2 days I was home dealing with sleep deprivation!

  • In our homeschool this week…we did nothing! hahahah--see above answer! LOL!

  • Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…don't be afraid to NOT DO ANYTHING. There are weeks you just need to keep your head above the water even without the pressure of homeschooling. And don't be afraid to tell everyone you are taking the summer off. Year-round school just doesn't work well for some homeschooling families. Mine is one of them!

  • Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…we are good for now...but wow. We saw tons and tons of relatives. It was great for the boys to get a sense of belonging to a family. They don't have any cousins out here...but back there, LOTS!

  • My favorite thing this week was…date night with my hubby! We both got dressed up and then he took me to dinner and a movie. The boys spent the night with my in-laws and everyone just had a great time. I missed him soooooo much while I was gone since he had to stay behind.

  • My kiddos favorite thing this week was…coming home to daddy!

  • Things I’m working on…I've got 3 book reviews to write up, I need to finish my review on an e-book for an affiliate program, as well as get started on a pre-school review for an affilitate program. Busy Busy week.

  • I’m cooking…mmm, yesterday I made absolutely fabulous lemon bars. Wow! So delicious!

  • I’m grateful for…having a home and husband to come back too.

  • I’m praying for…strength to stay focused and stick to what needs to be done this week.

  • A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…

  • My Little Britches photo bombed this photo I was taking...but he looks so cute, I had to keep it!

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