June 19, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

I'm currently on vacation back in the Pacific Northwest visiting my family and friends so I just wanted to share a few photos with you...
 Wordless Wednesday on Only Passionate Curiosity
 We live on a farm--they live in a city...yet this was Little Britches first time hunting for eggs and he had fun!
 "Where are the chickies???"
 Baby Britches picking berries with Papa
 Baby Britches with two cousins (my cousin's boys)
 Little Britches and Baby Britches got to enjoy playing with other kids (all homeschooled like them!)
And I got to enjoy chatting and seeing some of MY friends--and holding that darling little muffin of a boy!
So far it's been a lovely trip and we still have quite a few more days!
Don't forget to get entered to win in the giveaway I'm co-hosting from Blue Manor Academy!


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