July 15, 2013

eBook review: How to Succeed as an Educational Printable Business

Today I'm excited to share with you a review on an eBook written by one of my new favorite homeschool blogging moms Jill of Enchanted Homeschooling Mom!
Enchanted Homeschooling Mom
You have probably already seen her work all over Pinterest and if you've ever used her work, I'm sure you are a huge fan! Well, Jill has decided to share with us the "how to's" of starting your OWN educational printables business---she wrote a book to share all (or most) of her tips and tricks!

Here are the eBook’s chapter titles …

So, You Want To Start An Educational Printables Business…
How Will I Start My Business…
What Is Your Target Audience…
Creating Your Educational Printables…
How Will I Get My Items To My Buyers…
Price Point – Not Just How Much I Want To Charge…
Advertising My Business…
Why I Have to Keep Good Records…
Tax implications…
Are You Having Fun Yet…
Glossary and Terms…

    In this 100+ page jammed pack informational eBook, Jill also includes worksheets for assisting you in creating your educational printables business. Here is a partial list of worksheets provided…

    The Big 14 Questions
    Business Forms Checklist
    Monthly Business Expenses
    Business Start-Up Costs
    Printable Planner
    Price Point Worksheet
      There are a whopping 125 pages in this eBook!

      Are you intrigued?
      Are you thinking--"Hmmm. I have wondered about selling printables online..."

      I have OFTEN wondered about selling my own printables. I mean, if I make them for my sons, why not sell them and make some $$ off them right? I even set up a shop to make available the few that I've created so far. But I admit--I REALLY would like to make some money on them to help cover curriculum costs! But yes, I am relatively clueless in how to go about it.

      When Jill announced that she needed reviewers for her new ebook, I JUMPED on the chance! I suppose I'm just the kind of person she wrote the book for! LOL!

      After working my way through it, here are my thoughts...
      #1 This book is a treasure of basic information regarding all the steps you take to get something like this off the ground--from various paperwork or forms you might have to fill out to planning out your target audience and even figuring our your costs for advertising and such.

      #2 LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the worksheets! They are sooooooo handy to have. And each one is clearly labeled to match each chapter. They help you work out answers to questions, budget, keep track of clip art and sources...and more!

      #3 Jill is very honest. She shares the TRUTH about the business--the good, the bad's and the uglies (can we say illegal sharing of documents???)

      #4 After I read each section I would always go "Oh. I never thought about that!" If nothing else, I have so much more to think about regarding jumping into this business. She gives a lot of behind-the-curtain peeks at what goes on in any printables business before they ever share their first item with the public!

      #5 If this book isn't enough to answer your questions, Jill has even created a forum for anyone who buys the book and wants to join a support group for other educational printable business owners! I joined!
      Now I'm sure you want to know--"What did you wish she had covered and didn't?"

      Well, the main thing that I think I would have liked to see is at what point you have to start reporting your "sales". For instance, I am not planning on creating (as of now) any big curriculums or eBooks, or anything of any big substance. I am more of the type to just make a random packet or single worksheets. So do I even need to go through the process of getting a business license, tax codes/paperwork ect.? Perhaps maybe a little blurb about at what point you have to declare it...

      Oh and I admit--I would have loved a step-by-step guide for creating worksheets themselves (as in using the programs and such)! But that would fill up another whole e-book I'm sure!

      If you are looking to get started in the educational printables business--or even the printables business period--then I recommend this book 100%! It is truly a guide and valuable resource to have!

      If you are just planning on keeping your printables free, then this probably isn't the book for you...though you know, chapters 3, 4, 5, 7 are completely relevant to you too!

      To grab this book for yourself please visit Jill's blog and order it ASAP! It's just $15 and probably the best guide you could have for this type of venture!
      May I also suggest Jill's AMAZING Enchanted Homeschooling Mom Members Only Shop?? 

      For just $15 you get a LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP to her store...which means from that point on you get everything in the shop--new or old for FREE! 
      $15 for a lifetime access to all her printables--all 200+ of them?? 
      Um, yes please!!!
      (affiliate link)

      Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Enchanted Homeschooling Blog in return of my review.  All opinions expressed are my own and I was not required to write a positive review.

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