July 19, 2013

Five Question Friday (5QF) for July 19th

Time for a bit of randomness...
1. What is one thing you have too many of in your house?
Well besides dust bunnies, if you wanted actual objects, I'd probably say...pens! I am a total pen junkie!

2. Did anything go not quite as planned on your wedding day?
Hmmm...the guys were late meeting us that morning for photos. Some came in who weren't even dressed! But it went very well. I got married and that's all the matters right?

3. What is your favorite summer smoothie recipe?
Oooh, I'm still trying to figure this out. I love smoothies and we are playing around with a lot of different recipes. But we know we love them heavy on the berries! We also like to toss in a handful of oats and greens of some kind.

4. What is the weather like where you are?
H O T 
This week has been in the 90's all week with horrid humidity and heat index in the 100's. My AC was broken for 5 days too! It just got fixed on Tuesday! Woot! I was oh so grateful!

5. What is your favorite book to read to your kids?
We have a lot of favorites. It really depends on the season because we are always rotating books. But I know they will always love it when I read Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel or if I pull out Katy and the Big Snow. They always love books about vehicles and we especially enjoy books by Virginia Lee Burton! If you haven't read them to your children yet, you should check them out!

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Have a lovely weekend!


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