July 22, 2013

The Homeschool Mother's Journal~ July 22nd

In my life this week…I have to get everything ready for summer camp. Little Britches and I will be leaving on the 4th and I have to work through the camp list and make sure Little Britches has everything he needs.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…on Sunday we were able to meet some internet friends in real life at the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden. Then we went back to my friend's house for a cookout. We have been friends for over 5 years, but this was the first time I had ever met 2 of their families. We had 9 kids under the age of 8...7 boys and 2 girls. Needless to say the boys had a blast!

My favorite thing this week was…spending time with my sister-in-laws and their cousin. Now that they are married they live far away (Arizona and Mississippi) and the time all together is very rare.

My kiddos favorite thing this week was…definitely playing with new friends. Neither wanted to leave.

Things I’m working on…continuing my review of the Pre-K curriculum from Blue Manor Academy, making a Thank You card for our hostess yesterday, making Get Well cards for some elderly in our congregation.

I’m cooking…Zucchini Bread! My zucchini cake was phenomenal...so I'm hoping the bread will be too!

I’m grateful for…family, friends and electricity! :) Helps beat the heat!

I’m praying for…a good garden harvest. We have gorgeous corn but last year it looked nice, but the drought robbed us of ears to eat. This year we do not have a drought and so we hope the ears will be edible so we can freeze it.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both)
Speaking of our corn...
Have you ever seen fabulous corn this tall??? My husband [also fabulous!] is over 6' tall and it is a good 2 foot higher! Now I think I finally know where the phrase "corn is as high as an elephant's eye" comes from! Because corn that is open-pollinated and not genetically modified WILL be that tall!

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