July 28, 2013

The Homeschool Mother's Journal Post for July 28th

In my life this week…I am in summer camp mode! I have this week to get me and Little Britches packed up and ready to head to camp next Sunday! I also have to pull together my dorm theme decorations together and do a few little crafty things for my girls. Eeep! So little time, so much to do!

My favorite thing this week was…both boys making it back to health after a NASTY 24-36 hr bug plagued each of them. There was a moment or two of divine intervention when Little Britches fever soared into the 104-105 range...with instant healing. We were praising God for His mercy!

My kiddos favorite thing this week was…getting to watch a ton of Bob the Builder episodes because they were sick. Something they RARELY get to do. LOL!

Things I’m working on…preparing daily devotionals for my dorm at church summer camp. Working on bedtime story choices and ways to incorporate a "Remember Your Creator" theme into our daily routine at camp.

I’m cooking…A P P L E S!!!!! We were blessed with an ABUNDANCE of FREE apples this week! I made my very first apple butter (delicious!) as well as an apple crumble. Now I have MORE apples to turn into apple butter and other tasty treats!

I’m grateful for…the fact that in times of need I know that I may cry out to my Heavenly Father and know He HEARS my prayers. I called on Him many times over the past few days during our time of sickness. Mom's do that when the kidlets are sick.

I’m praying for…oh so many things. But TODAY I have a friend who is undergoing very serious surgery today as they attempt to fix a rolled over intestine which has caused her significant pain and suffering from bowel blockages. She is a mom of 3 darling kids and I can't imagine how scary it is...

I rewarded my kids this week by…making a delicious strawberry milkshake and then pouring the leftovers into popsicle molds to a cool treat later!

Something I am ogling or have my eye on… is anything to help with the peeling and coring of these apples! It takes FORVER to do enough to fill up my crockpots!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…
We love this sweet music video on Courage and Faith...hope your kids do too!

My SIL's husband is "Mr. Jonathan" and Seth has a crush on "Kelsey" (she's in our Homeschool Co-Op) so we're rather partial to this video! LOL!

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