August 27, 2013

Chats On the Farmhouse Porch for August 27th

Happy Tuesday! It's time for a bit of randomness this week...
Everyday Ruralty
1. Do you remember your first day of school?
No, I don't. However, my mom does very vividly and can describe it for me. I think it's kind of something that the parents remember more than the kids.
2. Do you decorate for the different seasons? If so, have you decorated for fall yet?
Hmmm. Not like hardcore decorations. I do like to decorate my side door as that is the door my piano students come in. So I like to have seasonal window clings and door hangers. But that's about the extent of it.
3. What food do you associate with fall?
That first heavenly pot of chili and soup! I adore cooking in fall because I do all those yummy dishes. I also think of the scent of apple pie. And pumpkin pie. And all sorts of baked goodies. And spices. Hmmm...okay, I'm ready for fall!
4. Do you order books online, buy books in a bookstore, download books to a device, or frequent the library? If not interested in books, how do you get your music?
I am a weekly visitor to our library. We have an excellent one. But now that I'm doing Blogger Book Reviews I'm getting quite a few free new releases from publishers. I really don't like downloading books because I don't have a reading device...just Kindle for my laptop. And I NEVER download or buy music. Never have.
5. When was the last time you realized that you had just been talking to someone really special?
Is it a cop-out to say last night talking with Love-Of-My-Life? LOL! Seriously though I do enjoy those moments when you meet someone new and then walk away thinking about how much you enjoyed your conversations.
Well that's it for the chat this week! It was nice to have some randomness for the morning! Have a most beautiful and blessed day! It's our 2nd day of school here on the farm and it's supposed to be 90's all week long...and I have about 50 lbs of tomatoes in my kitchen to process today. So I am going to be a busy girl!

See you here tomorrow for another week of Wordless Wednesday!

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