August 13, 2013

Introducing the "How do I teach..." Series!

I am pleased to announce that starting next week I will be participating in a fabulous new blog series with an amazing group of homeschooling mom bloggers!
In this five day series, each blogger will be addressing "How do I teach..." focusing on a plethora of subjects from "How do I teach math when I don't like math?" to "How do I teach a strong willed child?" to "How do I teach with so many kids?" and much much more! There will be a subject that I'm sure relates and will encourage every reader!

What will I be covering? 
I chose a subject near and dear to my heart and something I'm STILL trying to figure out!
Join me next week (August 19-23rd) as I tackle the subject...
I will be sharing how I [try to] balance being teacher, wife and mother without getting overwhelmed by each role's responsibilites!

I hope you will join me and the other bloggers on this incredible collaborative blogging series!

Get a peak at what the topics for the week are by visiting our "How do I teach..." series landing page at Enchanted Homeschooling Mom and make sure to get all the blogs in your feed so you don't miss a day!

Images courtesy of Gualberto107 and photostock at

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