August 18, 2013

The Homeschool Mother's Journal for August 18th

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In my life this week…it's all about getting ready for school! I have our classroom tore to PIECES right now and lots of "organized chaos" if you know what I mean! LOL! But I have every intention of having our first day of school next week!
In our homeschool this week…the only aspect of homeschooling we are working on right now is Art. But we are going to be working on a lapbook too...
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…ahem. I must say that I highly recommend keeping an inventory of all the books that you have--whether workbooks or textbooks. Then you know that you actually DO have them and that you don't buy duplicates. I learned this as I experienced a situation where I was POSITIVE that I had about 6 books. But as I've been organizing I discovered that I did NOT have them at all. Which meant I was missing part of our math curriculum for this year! ARGH! Needless to say I NOW have an inventory going. It's nothing fancy, just a spiral notebook where each page is a different subject.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…this week some friends are coming down from Cincinnati and spending the day with us. They have 2 boys just like we I expect they are going to have a blast together! And I will enjoy talking to their mommy!
Things I’m working on…organizing! Yep, I have torn everything apart and I'm getting rid of as much as I can! So far I've cleaned off the bookshelf quite nicely and made a large donation to Goodwill and the local library. I've even put together a Used Book Store page here on the blog! Please feel free to check it out--I've listed some things for young adult and some Inspirational Fiction as well for the mom's among us.
I’m cooking…nothing much right now. I am so busy with getting ready for school that I'm doing well to just fix breakfast, lunch and dinner if you know what I mean! Once I get everything prepped I will be good to go again!
I’m praying for…strength and focus to accomplish all that needs to be done this week. I need God's guidance as I make the final preparations for our school year.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…
Here are some of my piles of organized chaos...LOL!

Don't forget that tomorrow is the first day of the new...

Check out the list of what each participant is going over and then come back here tomorrow as I start with my series on...
I'm nervous about sharing this with you, but I hope that sharing my experiences can help others who might be going through the same thing!


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