September 11, 2013

Real Life Homeschooling Blog Hop for September~Engineering and Entomology!

I don't have a lot to share this that we are back in school we don't have as much free time to allow for "real life homeschooling". I did think about doing a post showing what chaos looks like...LOL!

But when we were walking on the farm over the weekend, we had some moments of "real life homeschooling". The first was when we were sitting by the river. We watched two barges--one with 10 full containers of coal and one with 10 empty containers of coal--go by. We looked at each of the them and talked about water dispersement--harkening back to our study on it last year. Little Britches was excited to see the Plimsol Line on the empty barge and tickled he remembered it's name. 

He asked his daddy some questions about the tugboats moving them up the river and daddy provided some "engineering and mechanics" lessons.

Once we returned to the farmhouse, we went over near their rope swing and then we noticed them...the cicada graveyard. So we NATURALLY had to analyze this. I DID take a couple photos for you...though I'm sure many of you are in the midst of a cicada awakening as well!

We first noticed the empty skins on the tree. There were MANY of them on the big tree...even up high like this one.

Then we looked down and started to see them mixed into the leaves...and we realized the crunching was NOT mostly leaves...
And this was just one small spot...

Here are all the skins we found in that one spot...we piled them on top of each other.
It was interesting to the boys to find all the different size skins and talk about why some are big and some are small.

So that was our little Real Life Entomology lesson for the day...

Nature walks are the absolute best way to experience "real life" homeschooling at it's finest! I'm so thankful we live on a farm where we can do it regularly!
Now it's your turn--link up YOUR real life homeschooling experiences! And then check out what some of the other bloggers enjoyed doing this month!

And don't forget to get entered to win a copy of the delightful art book Ms. Woods WILD Art Adventures! Click HERE to check it out!

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