September 8, 2013

The Homeschool Mother's Journal for September 8th

This week's Link Up
In my life this week…I will be working on gathering our clothes together for our trip. We will be attending church services every day we are gone, so I have to inspect all the dress clothes. I think that I will need to hit up Goodwill for pants or shirts for the boys. And maybe I can find myself a new top. I also have to fix my favorite khaki skirt. The hem came out and that means I have to do the dreaded sewing…

In our homeschool this week…we will be plugging away at week #2 of our curriculum. I am so happy that I have it all scheduled out for the week already. Last week was so easy to just open my planner and go! And yes, I WILL share what I am doing…it’s in the works.

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…just what I shared above. If you can, take a few moments to schedule out a full week. I know that it’s much harder to do with more than one child, but once it’s done it just saves SOOO much hassle every day!

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…it won’t be long until we are “leavin’ on a jet plane…” and heading out West!

My favorite thing this week was… getting my salsa done so there weren’t any more EXTREMELY ripe tomatoes on my kitchen table! I also used my new re-useable canning lids and they did great!

My kiddos favorite thing this week was…going shopping with me and buying new John Deere collectible equipment with “their very own money.”

Things I’m working on…just a lot of prep stuff before we leave. I have to lay out my blogging schedule, line up book review posts, remember to cancel piano lessons for my students while I’m gone, practice my vocal and flute music for the trip, and most of all---REMEMBER TO TAKE BACK THE LIBRARY BOOKS DUE WHILE I’M GONE! LOL!

I’m cooking…today it’s all about apple pie! Love-Of-My-Life brought me another huge bag of wine-sap apples from his uncle. They are delicious and he’s dying for me to make a pie. So I will.

I’m grateful for…living in the country as the season changes to autumn. It’s so gorgeous around here and I just love everything about it!

I’m praying for…friends and family who are already leaving for The Feast of Tabernacles this year. Many are going to be on the road starting this week. I’m also praying for wisdom of our leaders regarding the horrible chaos in Syria. Praying that I can remember that God is in control no matter how bad things get.

I rewarded my kids this week by…taking them to the store to spend their money. I was the “best mommy I’ve ever had!” (giggle)

Something I am ogling or have my eye on…I am desiring this fabulous Cast Iron Set…I really really really want the dutch oven because I have a lot of recipes I want to make that call for using one. And considering it’s regularly priced $150 and marked down to $65 it’s very very tempting.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…

Have a most magnificent (I just love that word, don't you?! LOL!) completion to your weekend!

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