September 15, 2013

The Homeschool Mother's Journal Post for September 15th

•  In my life this week…
Ooooh so much going on! We are flying out on Monday to be together with my family to worship and celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles this week. My boys are so excited to see their grandparents and their great-grandmother for several days. Needless to say I’ll be missing-in-action for a few days on my blog, but I have some guest posts set up for you to enjoy!

•  In our homeschool this week…
We aren’t doing much. I do plan on taking some books for reading aloud, but it’s mostly going to be about “real life” homeschooling. Because we are visiting a lot of scenic sites I plan on doing a lot of Nature Study. I’m throwing in our colored pencils and our sketchbooks. I am also going to take some copywork…but other than that we are just going to learn more about Oregon.

•  Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
LOL! See above answers…

•  My favorite thing this week was…
Hmmm.  I’m not really sure. Probably having my husband come home and knowing he won’t have to go back to work for 2 weeks…that is DEFINITELY a most excellent thing.

•  Things I’m working on…
Packing, packing, packing, scheduling blog posts, packing packing…repeat. LOL!

•  I’m cooking…
Not too much. It’s more like cleaning out the fridge right now…so I’m only cooking the normal basic stuff. But I did make a delicious batch of yeast rolls on Friday night. Nom Nom Nom!

•  I’m grateful for…
Beautiful autumn weather!!! I’ve been waiting all year for it! It’s definitely my most favorite season!

•  I’m praying for…
Safe travels for all of those also traveling to their various destinations to celebrate the Feast this year…and for excellent weather!

•  A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…


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