September 1, 2013

The Homeschooling Mother's Journal~ September 1st

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*In my life this week…we started getting back into the school routine! I actually was very happy to be back in a normal schedule again.
*In our homeschool this week…we had our First Day of School on Monday! I took the boys out and did (Not) Back to School photos. Then we just eased into the day without using any curriculum...I will be doing a whole post about our first day later this week.
*Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…Does your child have issues with you correcting their work? My son hated having me look over his handwriting workbook. So the other day after he was done, I gave him my red pencil and told him to look at it and see what I would mark. He happily went through it and did an excellent job. Now he wants to do it every time. So no more of this he's eager to correct. We always look over it together and talk about it. His writing has improved as has his attitude! I recommend seeing if this works for your family too!
*Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…in just a few more weeks we will be flying out to the west coast to observe the Feast of Tabernacles with my family down in Bend, OR. We are looking forward to the time with the extended family.
*My favorite thing this week was…taking the boys photos! I couldn't believe the difference a year makes when I compared our 2012 photos! Who knew that there was such a big difference between age 6 and age 7?!
*My kiddos favorite thing this week was…that their Papaw just bought a new log truck...that's a joyful occasion for sure!
*Things I’m working on…trying to lay out 4 weeks of lesson planning! I've got one week down...three more to go! I look forward to sharing my method with you this week!
*I’m cooking…peaches! Yep, I've got peaches and I'm canning them and making some peach cobbler!
*I’m grateful for…the finances to be able to afford a few extras for homeschooling and a family that supports our homeschooling decision. Mostly.
*I’m praying for…perseverance to stick with my lessons plans this year. I have a new system and I really really want to stay on top of it this year!
*Something I am ogling or have my eye on…an electric pencil sharpener. A good one. I am tired of having leads just keep breaking on me! The worst ones are the colored pencils.
*A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…
I love this shot of the men working on the last hay cutting. It was SOOOOO dusty from not having any rain. Can you see Baby Britches? He's raking with my father-in-law. Love-of-My-Life is driving the tractor baling.

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