October 29, 2013

Chats on the Farmhouse Porch for October 29th

It's Tuesday and that means a bit of rambling with this weeks Chats on the Farmhouse Porch.
Everyday Ruralty
Do you have any special plans for this week?
No. Just the same old blessed daily routine of life here on the farm with my two boys. Busy homeschool days. Piano Lessons. Normal farm stuff. It's wonderful to have a "normal" week.
What's the most relaxing thing you do?
Ooh, that's tough, but I think it's snuggling with Love-of-My-Life on the couch under a blanket.
Have you ever worn a wig?(play, dress-up, or for real)
Yes. 4th grade Lewis and Clark Play. I was Sacajawea and had a long black braided wig. Considering I was a pale face with white blonde hair, this was a massive change. LOL! And you know I think SOMEWHERE we have a photo of it. I might have to ask my mom if she can find it.
Do you have an office or special place to use your computer?
I use my laptop, so i can take it wherever I want! My favorite place is sitting outside on the porch.
What are your favorite kind of socks?
Fun ones. I loved ones with stripes or cute characters! I also have a thing for striped toe-socks. My mom bought me some for my birthday that I've been dying to wear. I think I will wear them today actually! LOL!
Have a great Tuesday! I might have another post going up later today, so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I found you through Patrice's blog. I really enjoyed reading your answers.


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