October 15, 2013

Farmhouse Chats for 10/15

Everyday Ruralty
  1. How many animals do you have?
    One Pet (outside cat). And LOTS of cattle. We are a cattle farm of course!
  2. Have you begun Christmas plans, travel, decorations, crafts, menu, etc.?
    No. We don't celebrate Christmas. So that gives me a lot more free time this time of year, huh?!
  3. Do you celebrate Harvest Season or Halloween?
    Harvest Season--definitely Thanksgiving. And I love decorating for fall! I have window clings for my side door (piano lesson door), some door hangers, and my candle holders!
  4. How do you heat your house? 
    Woodstove and then a furnace backup.
  5.  Do you like dishes with white centers or centers with patterns?
    Hmm. I think I prefer the ones with edges of patterns. Then they are still pretty when they are covered with food! 

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