October 13, 2013

The Homeschool Mother's Journal Post~ October 13th

• In my life this week…
We are set to have even more beautiful autumn weather! I absolutely love living here in NE Kentucky when we get a true autumn season. I grew up out in WA and with all the evergreen trees we didn’t exactly have a lot of changing colors in the landscape. Out here it is 8 to 1 in deciduous trees to evergreens! That makes for quite the gorgeous countryside! It’s almost time for the perfect photos---though the hills are getting quite colorful right now…

• In our homeschool this week…
We are studying Native Americans and the Universe/Space as well as shifting to basic multiplication in math and helping verbs in English! Baby Britches will be finishing up the letter D, the number 4 and the sight words “up” and “down”.

• Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
We are hoping to be able to attend the Pumpkin Festival in Circleville, OH on Thursday with some friends. I am eager for the sights and smells and TASTES! I have already written out my lesson plans to accommodate for being gone all day Thursday. Love-Of-My-Life wants me to bring home a nice big pumpkin pie…

• My favorite thing this week was…
Having the amazing weather…I was wearing shorts because it was in the 80’s! It hasn’t been this warm in October in a long time…

• My kiddos favorite thing this week was…
Our PE times. We did some ball training, some races and just other random stuff to enjoy being outside!

• Things I’m working on…
Staying on top of my lesson planning. I have next week planned out and I’m gearing up to work on week 6-8 now! I’d LOVE it if I can get lined up all the way to Thanksgiving! Yeah right…hahahahahah.

• I’m cooking…
On Friday I made a great Double Chocolate Snack Cake and some yummy Biscones…I’ll share recipes soon because they are fabulous!!!

• I’m praying for…
Safe travels for my father who is travelling home from Japan. My aunt who is STILL fighting cancer but will be celebrating her 50th birthday this week—something incredible all things considered. Good health to make it through this flu season without getting dragged down. And of course my friends and family dealing with the things daily life throws at them.

• A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…

My current favorite song...enjoy!


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