November 11, 2013

Fresh from the Bookshelf: Rebellious Heart by Jody Hedlund (a review)

I have another book review to share with you. I will start right off telling you that the cover sold me on this book. I love excellent covers and will sometimes choose a book just because the cover drew me to it. And yes, it IS another Inspirational Historical'd you guess?! LOL! 
I promise that I have a different genre to share a review on very very soon!

Rebellious Heart is the 3rd book in the Hearts of Faith series by Jody Hedlund. I had already read book #1 in the series (The Preacher's Bride) and really enjoyed it thought I didn't realize that the same author wrote both books! 

Here is a little blurb about the book from the publisher's listing:
Because she's a woman, higher learning was always closed to Susanna Smith. But her quick mind and quicker tongue never back down from a challenge. And she's determined to marry well, so she'll be able to continue her work with the less fortunate.

Growing up with little to his name, poor country lawyer Benjamin Ross dreams of impacting the world for the better. When introduced to the Smiths he's taken by Susanna's intelligence and independent spirit, but her parents refuse to see him as a suitor for their daughter. 

When the life of a runaway indentured servant is threatened, Susanna is forced to choose between justice and mercy, and Ben becomes her unlikely adviser  But drawing closer to this man of principle and intellect lands her in a dangerous, secret world of rebellion and revolution against everything she once held dear.

With the setting in Massachusetts in 1763, it takes place in the years just prior to the Revolutionary War. The main characters represent two sides of the colonists: Susanna thinks to rebel against England is a sin and she plans on upholding the law no matter what; Benjamin sees that England is oppressing them and believes it is the duty of man to rise up against the tyrants. But life's experience challenge both of them to think differently when Susanna's ideals are challenged and she needs Ben's help to help her save a runaway indentured servant girl who needs her help. 

*As a side note, the author based the love story of Benjamin and Susanna on the infamous romantic couple John and Abigail Adams, even using some of their love letter references in the plot. This added a nice bit of extra to the story.*

The story deals with everything from England's increasing presence on the colonists, to the idea of inalienable rights for men, to the issues of indentured servants and slaves, to societies demands on marriage for both men and women.

It was an excellent story and very interesting. I enjoyed it very much--especially since in our homeschool right now we are in the 1700's and colonial America. It was very fitting to be reading a book for me that matched what we are getting ready to study.

It was very well done and very well documented and researched. I enjoyed the plot and felt the characters were well developed.

Want to check out more about this book?
Click here to read an excerpt
Click here to read Q&A from the author on the book

If you are ready to go snag a copy for yourself...
Click here to get the Print Version
Click here to get the Kindle Version

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Baker Publishing Group as part of their book review bloggers program through Bethany House Bloggers. All opinions expressed are my own and I was not required to write a positive review.

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