November 16, 2013

The Homeschool Mother's Journal~ November 16th

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• In my life this week…
I am going to be trying to get venison ground up! Last week was opening weekend of hunting season and my husband was blessed with a buck. Now we want to grind it up so that we can make our own sausage but also start substituting ground venison with ground beef. We like both so it’s not an issue here with taste. I am also working on some Thanksgiving cards for family to send out.

• In our homeschool this week…
We are moving from studying Ben Franklin to the next figures in the mid to late 1700’s George Washington followed by Paul Revere. Little Britches was thoroughly enthralled with Benjamin Franklin and is eager to learn about more of the men that shaped our country.

• Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
If you are studying a famous figure or event see if you can find an easy read-aloud book that matches the subject. We found one on Ben Franklin that really helped sink in what we were studying.

• Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
This close to Thanksgiving, we are going to stay near home this week. It’s time to start getting ready for Thanksgiving next week (how is THAT possible?!) and start planning my menu!

• My favorite thing this week was…
Seeing Little Britches face when I handed him some Rock Candy before telling him it was rock candy.

• My kiddos favorite thing this week was…
Discovering that I gave him Rock Candy and that it was full of chocolate.

• Things I’m working on…
Mailing out more “thinking of you” and “Get Well” cards to the shut-ins in my congregation. There is just something about snail mail that means so much more.

• I’m cooking…
Hmmm. I am thinking about trying some Eggnog Cupcakes for Love-of-My-Life. He just loves that stuff and loves cupcakes…so it might be a match made in heaven!

• I’m grateful for…
Having a refrigerator so full that there isn’t any more room. That is a blessing that most of the world will never experience.

• A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…


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