December 16, 2013

Fresh from the Bookshelf: A Talent for Trouble (a review)

book review talent for trouble jen turano
When it comes to picking books to read, I am a sucker for a great title...and if the title comes with an eye-catching cover...well, let's just say it jumps right into my hot little hands! Needless to say the minute I read the title of the third installment of the Ladies of Distinction series by Jen Turano...I was hooked. When the book came and I saw the stunning and vibrant cover, I had to dive right on in!

book review talent for trouble
A Talent For Trouble-Print

"For years, Miss Felicia Murdock's every thought and action have been in pursuit of becoming a minister's wife. When the minister she'd set her sights on has other ideas, she decides something in her life needs to change--and soon--before she wastes any more time pretending to be someone she's not. If that means spreading her wings and embracing a more lively way of life, who's to say nay?" (from back cover)

This story opens at the wedding of the minister that Felicia Murdock always KNEW she was going to marry--except she's not the bride. From here we see her mourning the loss of not just her future life, but of the life she's wasted all these years in her efforts to be the demure young lady she was sure he desired. Now she's ready to move forward and beginning with the purging of every old fashioned and rather hideous item of apparel she owns, she comes into the incredible (even if rather impetuous) woman God made her to be. That includes reverting back to her rather careless self, who stumbles into some rather troublesome situations...

And that's where we find Grayson Sumner (aka. Lord Sefton)...someone who just wants to settle down in the life of a respectable New York Gentleman but finds himself caught up in Felicia's antics! It's great fun to read their adventures together as they try to keep each other out of trouble--he from his dangerous past and she from her overzealous present!

So what were my thoughts on the book?

I was very happy to see that Felicia, a previous background character in the early books, has her day in the spotlight with this book! The reader was given hints into her hidden personality before, but now it all comes out with full force and we see she's a force of nature to be reckoned with!

I was relieved to see the main characters of book #1 and #2 are very strong supporting characters in this book. I always enjoy that in a series.

I connected with Felicia's spontaneous nature! She's full of zest and life...and once she cast aside her old ways, she exploded into the world as if she was the fizz in a suddenly opened bottle of pop!

This book also set up the next (and I think final) book in the series which is always a pleasure...I love it when they leave you longing for more!

So were there any negatives?

If you haven't read the previous books in this series, you will miss out on her full story and not make the connection with the other characters. I don't think this book could stand alone very well. The reader would feel like they were only given a partial script.

What is my rating for this book?
Talent for Trouble book review
I felt that of all the books, this book was the best! I enjoyed the character of Felicia and felt she was developed far greater than any of other ladies in the series.

Now I am eager to read the next book A Match of Wits due to come out July 1, 2014!

If you want to get started in this series, you can read the FREE short novella Gentleman of Her Dreams which sets the stage for the first installment of the series A Change of Fortune.


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