January 7, 2014

Chats on the Farmhouse Porch #123

Everyday Ruralty
Yay! I'm so glad that "Chat" is back this week! I enjoy these kind of link ups because it gives me something more random and requires less planning! LOL!
Do you get more inspired to bake when the temps are cooler?
I bake WAY more during the fall/winter because we love to eat breads, casseroles, soups and chili's. I am more likely to decide to bake cinnamon rolls or cookies to warm up the kitchen or take advantage of my woodstove for any rising times.

Do you have any food intolerance or allergies?
Hmm. Well I have a weird allergy to licorice--black licorice. And that means the Licorice root too. I don't run into problems too often except for herbal teas. I have to read all ingredients on herbal teas because a LOT of them have licorice root because it's so good for you!

When was the last time you were in a restaurant?
Um. That would be Cracker Barrel on the weekend we stayed at Great Wolf Lodge. Just a few weeks ago. It was good. But then it's Cracker Barrel. It's ALWAYS good.

What's your favorite accent(speech)?
It's a toss up. I love hearing my friends from England speak--but I have a thing for the Aussie too.

My favorite__________is__________.
My favorite winter treat is cinnamon rolls!
Okay. I mentioned them twice in this post. I need to make some today. Mmmmmm...

What is your favorite winter treat?


  1. Lisa, I can't think of anything except warm cinnamon rolls after reading your sweet blog today! Yummmmm!

  2. I love cinnamon rolls as well. Cinnamon is good for your circulatory system.

  3. It is a good way to warm up the house, I love cinnamon rolls.

  4. I love cinnamon rolls, but they haven't been quite the same since I've had to create gluten free rolls. They aren't bad, but you can't have expectations. They do have licorice in many herbal teas. My sisters took my girls and me to Great Wolf Lodge two years ago. It was fun. It is geared to smaller children, so my youngest had the most fun. Big sisters helped and we all enjoyed the water area.

    1. I would imagine that gluten free cinnamon rolls are rather...a let down. But I guess if you need the taste, it will do, right?!

  5. I agree with you about Cracker Barrel. It is a great place to eat. My "usual" there is roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans, and baby carrots. :)

    Having to read the labels on everything because of our allergies gets to be such a pain, doesn't it?

    Have a great weekend!


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