January 26, 2014

The Homeschool Mother's Journal for 1/26

Join us this week!
In my life this week…
Well it looks like it’s going to be cold! We have about 6” of snow outside right now and it’s not going to be melting anytime soon. I look forward to more fun playing outside, but also staying toasty warm in the house. I have some cards to mail out. I plan on enjoying more of my language studies as I help review the Mango Language curriculum with Little Brtiches. It’s rather fun to learn a new language and it helps him do better with it too.  My sweetheart is trying to see if he can get out of work this week because the weather is going to be so nasty. Being a mechanic, means winter weather increases his workload because of frozen lines and the like. I won’t mind having him home this week!

In our homeschool this week…
We are continuing our journey westward with American Pioneers. We will also be continuing our science studies using Science4Us.com as part of our review. We will be using Mango languages for our foreign language study of Spanish. And continuing our music with Kinderbach which Baby Britches is really enjoying.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
For now we are going to enjoy not going anywhere…sometimes that’s a thing to enjoy!

My favorite thing this week was…
Hmmm. I enjoyed getting the new snow! It made everything white and clean again. Taking away the muddiness of melted winter.

My kiddos favorite thing this week was…
Definitely starting Science4Us.com as Little Britches is a huge Science lover. I would say a close 2nd place was the snow!

Things I’m working on…
I’m trying to finish a greeting card order for a friend. I’ve been so busy these days with school that I just don’t have the time or energy to work on my old hobby. I am also working on making parts CD’s for my women’s choir. We are going to be performing mid-March so I need to get our song out to everyone to work on. I love it, but it takes a bit of time getting the CD’s burned and mailed out.

I’m cooking…
Well I made a Venison Sausage Barley Vegetable soup which was supposed to be for our church potluck yesterday….but since the weather cancelled that, we get to enjoy it this week!

I’m grateful for…
Can I say my woodstove again this week? I love that thing. Last weekend we were in SC and my aunt and uncle’s house was so cold with its furnace heat! We were never warm enough! We just got spoiled with our wood heat and anyone who has it knows what I’m talking about!

I rewarded my kids this week by…
Making homemade cocoa. Oh the boys love that stuff!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…

About 6" of snow on Saturday! Isn't it pretty?

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