February 7, 2014

Random 5 for Friday~ Feb. 7th

It's Friday!! Are you ready for some randomness?
The Pebble Pond
1. The boys just had their annual checkup with the pediatrician. We've been told that we are one of the few families they only see about once a year! An absolute compliment and blessing! One boy measure 4'3 and the other 3'4. That was pretty easy to remember! LOL! I love our pediatrician practice--both of the main partners are believers in God and Christ and are slow to medicate (unless absolutely needed) and all for homeopathic remedies. They are NOT vaccine pushers (woot woot!) and they are even open on Saturday and Sundays because "We know sickness doesn't wait until Monday." Did I mention they also have split waiting rooms to keep the kids for well visits free from the kids there for illness? It was such a blessing to be lead to this practice back when my oldest was born.

2. Did you know I am a pen addict? Like seriously. I have like this obsession with writing pens. I blame it on the job I had when I was in college the first time. I worked in the bookstore. I was excellent friends with the supply manager and she always gave me the new pens she ordered to try. Since she was ALWAYS ordering new pens...well, the rest is history! My husband says that if I never bought another pen, I'd still have enough to write for the rest of my life.

3. I do not have a sweet tooth. Nope. I am a rare female who does NOT have a love of chocolate. No, my tooth is most definitely salty. I will NOT reach for sweet. Nope, when my cravings hit, I reach for salty every time! Usually, a bag of chips. I'm probably going to reach for Fritos too. Mmmm. I love those things. But I just like chips.

4. I tried a new drink yesterday. I was in the grocery store and I always shop in the Organic/Natural Foods section. I like to look at the different new probiotic drinks--but never buy. Usually it's just different kinds of Kombucha. Can't stand that stuff. (shiver) The other thing about these drinks is that they aren't cheap usually costing $2.50+ per bottle. So that typically deters me. But yesterday the section had a new product.
At first it was interesting. Not bad. Not delicious. Just interesting. Sorta sweet, sour and tart. One of the ingredients is Apple Cider Vinegar. That's what gives it the sour and taste that makes it interesting. But since I've used straight vinegar tea before I was okay. By the time I got home I decided it was quite tasty. I enjoyed it very much. A nice treat that is good for you too! They had it in other flavors, but this one had the most I liked.

5. I am over winter. I have my seeds. I'm ready to get my green thumb in high gear! I love planting and planning my gardens. I am actually going to start seedings this week. We didn't have a high success rate with them last year. Little fingers got in them when they were in the windowsill. We also used the wrong kind of egg cartons and they disintegrated  on us! And of course, I'm using Mason Jars to start my indoor herb garden. I just need a trip to the store to get my organic soil to mix with my natural awesome dirt I have out in my garden. 

Here are some of my posts from last years gardening adventures:

Have a fabulous weekend! I have a simply beautiful nature and verse graphic designed to share tomorrow, so make sure you come visit!

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