March 5, 2014

Chats on the Farmhouse Porch #129

Everyday Ruralty

Do you like avocados?
I am not a fan. I know they are super healthy for you, but I just don't like them in any way shape or form! But I do feed them to my boys when the boys are little and they always love them...until they get bigger. Now they don't like them at all! LOL!

Have you ever gone on a roller coaster?
Yes. I love them. Well I USED to love them. Now it's amazing how gravity changes your body as you get older. Now they make me all I ride them in moderation. But I used to ride the biggest and the baddest of them.

Do you do cross stitch, needlepoint, crewel work, or needle punch?
I can sew by hand...but I don't. I'm rather too impatient.

Do you cook with gas or electric?
Yes! I started off our marriage cooking with gas on our stove. We now use electric. But I regularly use gas when I use the grill all spring and summer. I love the high heat it provides.

Tell me something good, pleasant, or uplifting. Please.
We've enjoyed a lovely week with my husband, thanks to the nasty winter weather. He couldn't go into work on Monday and since he was going to have to only work a half day on Wednesday just decided to scrub the week. So we've been enjoying having daddy home for 3 extra days and 2 extra nights.


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