March 26, 2014

Chats on the Farmhouse Porch #132

Everyday Ruralty

What is your favorite room of your house or apartment?
I love my kitchen. It's everything that I always wanted. Lots of counter space and cupboards. I spend a lot of time in there because I love to cook for my family. Cooking makes me happy so a good kitchen was important and knowing I was going to get to pick my kitchen when we bought our mobile home, I had a blast picking all my "must-haves".

What's your favorite topping for pancakes or waffles?
Oh I adore berries, whipped cream and real maple syrup...I prefer waffles and french toast.

Do you like dried fruit?
Yes! I have always loved it! When I was young I adored banana chips. Now I like to eat just about any fruit dried!

Please finish this statement. "As soon as we have good spring weather, I'm going to_______."
As soon as we have good spring weather, I'm going to be outside as much as possible!!!! I can't wait to get dirty in my gardens! I have big plans and gladiola bulbs to plant right away! I love my gardens! We do a big vegetable/herb garden and then I do flower beds all around my wraparound porch.

Tell me a memory from your childhood.
I have so that pops into my grandmother in South Carolina always supplied me with my favorite books and a hammock. I spent many a vacation at her house lounging in the hammock under the fan reading all sorts of adventures. Every time I lie in a hammock it brings back the memories of those hot muggy delightful summers.
I don't know about you, but I'm so over this case of Alzheimers that Nature has...we had a crazy snowstorm out of the blue that dumped nearly 2" of snow in just 35 minutes! Clearly someone needs to remind Spring that she's on deck! April is supposed to be pretty awesome and pleasant with 60's MANY days in a row. That better happen because my garden needs me! LOL!


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