April 7, 2014

5 Days of Favorite Family Recipes: Australian Damper Loaf

Hello and happy Monday! I have something special in store for you this week! I am delighted to be taking part in the Schoolhouse Crew's 5 Days of... Blog Series this week! All the members of the series are sharing with you 5 days of something! It might be related to homeschooling, housekeeping, finances, books, gardening, cooking...anything is possible!

For all of my readers, I am finally giving you what I've been owing you for a long time...RECIPES! Yes, it's going to be a recipe week!
Favorite Family Recipes Blog Series
The first recipe I want to share with you is a recipe that I've had FOREVER, but have only recently pulled back out to make. I am so happy I re-discovered it because we've been absolutely LOVING it!
Australian Damper Loaf Recipe

The Australian Damper Loaf is incredibly easy to make. It is really easy to knead--making it perfect for bread newbies. Best of all, you get this perfect little loaf of bread that has a fabulous crunchy crust with a delightful soft inside. Did you know you the already smallish loaves can be made smaller? The perfect bread bowl for your favorite homemade soup!

I am adding the link to the printable recipe at the end of the post--so if you want to just scroll down, you'll find it after my step-by-step recipe!
Let's get started!

1. Preheat your oven to 325◦F and grease an 8" round cake pan.
2. In a small bowl, soften 1 pkg active dry yeast (1 1/2 T bulk quick yeast) in 1/4c of warm water (110◦F) for 5 minutes. Stir in 1 c. warm milk; set aside.
australian damper loaf
3. In a bowl, mix 3 cups flour, 1 Tbl. baking powder, and 3/4 tsp. salt.
4. With your fingers, cut or rub 2 Tbl. butter into flour mixture until fine crumbs form.
5. Add milk mixture; stir until evenly moistened.

Australian damper loaf

This is going to be turning it into a wet dough. If it's runny, you will need to add a bit more flour but don't add too much. It needs to be wet and a sticky at this point.

6. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured board and knead until smooth.
This is what it will look like when you first pour it out of your bowl.
Australian Damper Loaf
 Cover your hands with plenty of flour so you don't feel it wet and sticky. Then just work it like you were trying to do Play-Dough. Don't over think it! LOL! Just keep mashing, then folding over. Then mash it and fold it. Each time you are adding a bit of flour as needed. 

It won't take long---not more than 5-10 minutes--before the texture turns smooth like this.

Australian Damper Loaf

7. Shape dough into a lumpy round loaf about 5-6" in diameter---or into two smaller loaves if preferred. 

I just did one loaf for our dinner this time.
Australian Damper Loaf

9. Dust lightly with flour, then place in your greased round cake pan (or baking stone).
10. With a sharp knife, cut an X about 1/2" deep and 3" long across the center of the loaf.

Australian Damper Loaf

11. Bake on bottom rack until well browned, about 55 minutes.
12. Remove from pan and let cool on a rack for 5-10 minutes, then serve warm and ENJOY!

Australian Damper Loaf

Mmmm. It makes such a nice crunchy outer crust! But when you cut it or pull it apart, it's so soft on the inside! I could eat it just like it is with lots of butter! {Nom Nom Nom!}

Australian Damper Loaf

I think the thing I like the most is that it's super easy, has basic ingredients, doesn't require a rise time and makes a nice smaller loaf. It's also very easy to double the recipe if you desire MORE loaves.

Want the recipe to print?

I'd love for you to pop over and see what other things are going to be covered by our crew this week!
Just click on this banner.
April Blog Hop

To make it even easier, here are some of the ladies who are participating with me in this great series this week--if you start with them, I know you will find something that is interesting for you!

Anne Marie @ Future.Flying.Saucers ~ Christian Worldview 101
Marya @ Suncoast Momma ~ Homeschooling Special Needs
Kym @ Homeschool Coffee Break ~ Ordinary Homeschooling
Dawn @ Double O Farms ~ Helping Your Struggling Learner
Gena @ I Choose Joy! ~ Homeschooling Middle School
Christine @ Our Homeschool Reviews ~ Free and Frugal Homeschooling
Monique @ Living Life and Learning ~ Homeschooling with Lapbooks
DaLynn @ For the Display of His Splendor ~ Diagramming the Proverbs

Thanks for stopping by today! 
Make sure you return tomorrow for Day 2 of my Favorite Family Recipes series!  

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