April 23, 2014

Chats on the Farmhouse Porch #136

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I love having a bit of ramblings during the week. Here are the questions given to us from this week's Chats on the Farmhouse Porch by Patrice at Everyday Ruralty!

Do you enjoy crossword puzzles, word finds, or any "word" activities?
Yes. I do like little puzzles like this. Especially when I'm on a trip. I like to do them. I prefer word finds to crossword puzzles. And I actually prefer Sudoku to them all.

What's on your dining room table right now?
Tablecloth, plastic bag, a box full of piano music my mom sent yesterday, a yellow raincoat and some craft supplies. It's rather a mess. LOL!

Do you like Italian food?
Love it! My favorite and something I order every time I go to an Italian Restaurant is Chicken Parmesean! Yum!

Did you ever want a brother, twin, or sister, when you were a child?
I was an only child for 10 years...so YES! I specifically thought a brother would be awesome. I prayed every night for a brother...and when I was 10, in a miraculous turn of events, my mom (told she wasn't going to have anymore children after an ectopic pregnancy threw out one tube and confirmed the other was blocked) got pregnant with my brother. I loved him so much and he and I share a VERY special relationship. He moved out to Cincinnati to go to school so instead of being 2000 miles away, he's now just 2 hrs away!

How far away is the nearest grocery store?
From the time I get in the car to the time I pull in...4 minutes. It's just a local family chain but they carry quite a bit of a variey!

Have a simply BEAUTIFUL day!

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