July 27, 2014

Flourish: Balance for Homeschool Moms {Giveaway}

I am tickled to be sharing today's post with all of my readers! As many of you know, last week I shared a book review on the incredible book Flourish: Balance for Homeschool Moms by Mary Jo Tate. As my review shared, I did not start out very excited about what the book might offer thinking I didn't "need it". But it didn't take very long before I was sucked into the book and faced a major wake up call. I became enthralled and wanted to read more and more about how I can stop running around in circles, stop wasting my precious time and start FLOURISHING in my life and God given role as wife, mom and homeschooler.  I was so impressed with what this book entailed, that I immediately wanted to share it with others! I think...no, I KNOW that this book will help another mom out there struggling to survive in her day-to-day endeavors--could it be you?!

Here is your chance to snag a copy of this book for yourself! I have two copies up for grabs to two randomly drawn winners. The rules are simple--use the widget below to earn yourself entries. These are easy ways to get entered to win and with one of them, you can enter daily to stack your odds!
Remember to leave your NAME when you leave your blog comment--anonymous entries will obviously be disqualified as I can't contact you!

This giveaway is open to US and International entries--however, an international winner will receive a KINDLE copy of the book rather than the physical. I want moms from ANYWHERE in the world to have a chance to get this book and this is the best way I know to make sure that it a possibility without a great expense. Winners will be announced once the giveaway is over. 

Giveaway is open from July 27-August 10, 2014. 

I hope that you will share this giveaway with any mom that you know needs a chance to FLOURISH in her life! I look forward to sharing my journey to Flourish with you as I move forward!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thank you for stopping by and I truly hope that I will be seeing you again very soon! Have a delightful day and use it to bless someone with a smile!

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