August 22, 2014

Chats on the Farmhouse Porch #153

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It's another week for Chats on the Farmhouse Porch with Patrice at Everyday bit of randomness for the week.
What are you most looking forward in the remaining months of 2014?
September: We start our new year of homeschooling on September 1st and that will be exciting to do 3rd grade and Preschool/K4. My first time really with two students because I'm using a curriculum for preschool this year.

We will be celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles with brethren in Panama City Beach, FL. We LOVE this time as family together away from the "daily grind" meeting together with fellow Christians for all those days. It's incredible and we eagerly await it!

November: We are having a special semi-formal dance in our local church congregation. I haven't had occasion to dress up in ages so I'm really looking forward to this. I plan on hitting up my local Goodwill as they always have a plethora of semi-formal to formal dresses for $25 or less thanks to the regular high school dances and pageants in the area.

December: I will be celebrating my 35th birthday and our 12th year of marriage. Looking forward to one over the other. LOL!

Tell us about the last movie you saw, or book you read.
Let's see. The last movie I watched at home was...Fly Me To the Moon--a super cheasy animated movie about astronaut flies. The last movie I saw in the theater was this past Sunday when my husband and I double-dated with friends to do dinner and a movie. We watching Guardians of the Galaxy.

Do you ever make smoothies or juice?
Yes! We love to make smoothies for breakfast. We have a lot of frozen fruit on hand and I love adding in chia, flax, elderberry syrup, raw honey, coconut oil, powdered greens, leafy much nutritional goodness!

Who do you wish you could talk to right now?
Hmmm. I don't know. I talk with my family regularly. I chat with my best friend daily.

Please finish this sentence. "If I could spend a week in a lovely cabin in the mountains I would like to_______________________."
If I could spend a week in a lovely cabin in the mountains, I would like to be there with my sweetheart for a weekend getaway!
I hope that you have a blessed weekend. It's going to be hot and humid here, but we have plans for a great church picnic on Sunday afternoon. Hopefully we get some good rain to ease up the humidity. I can handle the heat (sorta!) but the humidity makes it miserable!
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