October 19, 2014

Random 5 on Friday..er..Sunday

I'm back!!!

1. Road trips are awesome but...I love coming home. We've been gone since October 5th but came home on Friday the 17th. We had an incredible time and met some great people. But my home is amazing.

2. There is something incredibly satisfying about a mountain of laundry. First off, it means we are blessed beyond measure. Secondly, it gives me something tangible to show for my efforts when it's gone or hanging out on the line.

3. We left hot summer and came home to cool fall.  It was so gorgeous down in Florida, but the temps were nearly reverse of what they are here! We left 85 and came home to 58! LOL! We got tanned up quite nicely at the beach. Just in time to cover it up for fall and winter! LOL!

4. I love autumn. It's my most favorite season and I'm so happy to have it here for me waiting. I am so ready for hoodies and jeans and my boots!

5. I also love autumn baking! It's bread season now! There is something so incredibly satisfying about fresh hot bread that you made. I can eat a hot loaf with butter for a full meal! I also love baking gingerbread and pumpkin bread. It's the best "air freshener" I know! LOL!
Now that I am home, I have plans to be much more active with my blogging again! I've got a great foreign language review to share early this week and a video review at the end! I also have a couple recipes I really want to get up for you as well...and I can't forget pictures from our trip, right?!
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