January 17, 2015

Random 5 for Friday...on the weekend!

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1. It's been a crazy week. I started a week long essential oil class on Monday and I've been posting things for it every single day and because you can't pre-schedule the posts, that required WAY more computer time than I normally spend. But it has been very successful and informational and was well attended at nearly 60 guests.

2. My mom is visiting and she likes my kitchen gadgets. She's "trying out" my new dishwasher so she can decide if she wants that model for her own. She also fell in love with my chopper. I have this one...but she's decided she wants to buy this one. We like it too, so if it works well, we will be upgrading.

3. I enjoyed a lovely trip down to Prestonsburg, KY today. We just love driving down into Southern Kentucky. There are so many things of beauty. Even on this cold winter day. Seeing the frozen waterfalls on the side of the road made even the barest landscape shimmer.

4. I received ANOTHER seed catalog today. Yes, I'm addicted. Yes I NOW have FOUR of them. YES I will probably buy something from each of them. LOL. It's the picking and choosing that is the hardest for me. This year I'm still planning on expanding my herbs and flowers...and those can be the hardest to pick out!

5. I am a night owl. I am not a morning person, but once I get up, I AM functional. Even without coffee. But I don't like it. It is easy on the other hand for me to stay up until 1am or 1:30 without even drifting off. Thankfully my whole family is a night owl family. I don't know what I would do if one of the boys had been born an early bird. LOL

Well, even more things lined up to review! We will be starting our reviewing this week on two of the products and we are looking forward to it! NEITHER of them is homeschool related...which is pretty fun too! Okay, well one kinda is. But it's not a curriculum or anything.

I hope you have a lovely week! I hope to check back in tomorrow or mid-week to actually share something of "purpose" instead of just my randoms. It's been a crazy week I tell you. CRAZY!

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