April 17, 2015

Random 5 for Friday~ Spring Changes

The Pebble Pond
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1. Things are starting to grow. It is so nice to finally see new life coming to the farm. It was so barren and brown, but now it's gorgeous and green! When you mow the lawn, the next day it's covered in tiny purple violets and golden dandelions. Making it a sight for winter weary eyes.

2. I have seedings! Okay, so maybe just a couple. But they are there all the same. I am eager for the rest of them to pop up. Right now just the rows of tomato seeds and thyme are showing any progress. Still waiting for the broccoli and two types of peppers. I even have a heating pad under my little greenhouse. LOL.

3. I need the rain to stop. Not forever. Just so that I can have a week of nice 70 degree weather again without it being damp and wet! I want to get out and get in my garden again--and right now it's just a muddy mess!

4. I was tickled to discover that my sage from last year appears to be growing again! I never did pull up my sage plants at the end of the year. And when I went out last night, I discovered baby sage leaves. Once I cleared away the weeds, I discovered there were quite a few on my old sage plant. This is great news as sage is tricky sometimes to grow from seeds.

5. I love the birds. With two bird feeders, and being located near a tree covered hill with a lovely creek next to our house, we have a plethora of songbirds. They are regular feeders and it's rather awesome to look out and see your bird feeder covered with brilliant red cardinals, or goldfinch or bluebirds. You just have to stop and watch them. We have two feeders--one that's a standard house like version and one that's a tube feeder, sort of like this one, only I like this one much better than mine. We used to have a lot of waste as birds would cast down the seeds they didn't like, but this year we have several pair of morning dove visiting and though they are too big to roost on the feeder, they happily do clean-up underneath. And I love their cooing.
In case you missed it, I had two reviews this week--one for Star Toaster (an online reading program) and for First Start Reading. I'm working on another one--ARTistic Pursuits--which will be up before too long. I've also got at least one gardening related post to share next week, and a book review. Did you see my 5 Day Real Life Homeschooling series from 2 weeks ago? It was so much fun to write!

I know that some of my readers aren't homeschooling fans, so I'm going to try to get things back on track for sharing non-homeschooling related stuff so you don't leave me!
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